It is that time of the year again.  I am sending you our schedule of events, and we hope you can make it out to see our new sugar house, etc.   Deb & John  

Greetings. Can you believe it? It’s February and our 11th anniversary sugar season.  We have a new bigger and better evaporator, and we have added on to our sugar house.  Last year many of you enjoyed the Maple Beer that we made with sap and syrup and attended our pancake breakfast, or visited on other weekends.  Again, we thank the stove providers, volunteer cooks, woodcutters, and firewatchers. We are looking forward to another fun season and you are invited to participate in any of the activities listed below. Dates are best estimates as Sugaring is weather controlled.  Come join us for this fun family/New England tradition and bring family and friends! 

Beer brewing

This year, we are planning to brew our maple Ale from sap, so we won’t be brewing until the week of February 23rd and bottling the week of March 7th.  If you are interested in helping us make and bottle the Ale, give us a call and we’ll give you the details.  Its lots of fun if you never have made and bottled beer.



Sugar Season begins. We’ll tap trees, put out collection barrels, and keep our fingers crossed for warm days and cold nights



First boil (we hope!) and first maple sugar draw should be grade A fancy. We will begin to fill the fancy glass bottles.

Feb 27 - 28, Mar.



Boil, Boil, Boil. We will be focusing on making as much syrup as possible to stock up for our pancake weekend during these three weekends. It is a good time to stop by if you cannot make the pancake weekend festivities. There’ll be sap for gathering, wood to stoke the fire, and syrup for bottling and tasting.



Pancake Breakfast Weekend. Come join us for free pancakes with fresh Maple syrup starting at 10 AM until 3 PM on both Saturday and Sunday (Weather permitting).  Grill will be open for anyone wanting to bring anything to grill.  The maple Ale will be ready for consumption and Mimosas and Hibiscus’s for those that dare!

We have a rope swing for the kids, mud puddles for the little ones to play in, hiking trails (bring boots), X-country skis and sledding if there is snow.



Last boil but the best syrup (grade B cooking syrup). If the weather holds out, we may boil another weekend, if not we’ll pull the taps, gather in the buckets and put the sugarhouse to bed for another year.


  • ·       Route 84 South to Exit 1, right at the end of the ramp. Follow old 15 South for about 2 mi.
  • ·       Right onto Lead Mine Rd for ¼ mile, left onto Vinton Rd for ¾ mile.
  • ·       Sugarhouse on right, up behind the blue farmhouse with farmer’s porch and gazebo.


Please call or e-mail ahead to make sure we’ll be boiling!

  • ·       Phone number                508-347-5558/774-230-0708
  • ·       E-mail                             [email protected]  or [email protected]
  • ·       Website                 
  • ·       Maple Assoc.        
  • ·       Price list available on request. E-mail or call and we’ll forward our price list.